Another Happy Owner story-kindly written by Winston's owner Hilary Curtis
Winston is a Tibetan Spaniel rescue dog from Wood Green Animal Shelter in Godmanchester and it was they who recommended Pet 24 to us. It is just as well they did. Within his first week we realised it was no good walking him on a conventional collar and lead. He would wait for you to get slightly ahead, tug backwards and slip straight out of his collar, so we now walk him on a harness. His favourite game, however, is to slip out of the house between your legs unnoticed whilst you are packing the car. Despite our best efforts, he has variously made his way to the local pub, the cul-de-sac round the corner or other streets in the village. He once tried to join a running club going across the field footpaths to the next village! On this occasion, we received a call from Pet 24 and we were on our way to round him up, although it did cost us a bit in wine and chocolates for the kind people who took him in and fed him toast and biscuits. We are very glad that we have Winston back, safe and sound, albeit a little smug - thank you Pet 24!

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